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There is a “RENEWAL” at Misión Peniel!

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

---Lamentations 3:22-23

Ever since moving into a new building on February 20th of this year, Misión Peniel has been in a process of a “mission renewal” as it settles into its new home at 208 Boston Avenue in Immokalee. The “RE’s” pretty much define the renewal taking place over the past few months! Staff and volunteers have been working non-stop to:

RE-model: The building acquired was previously used as a dance and gymnastics studio. It is three times the size of the previous mission space at the same monthly rental fee. Partial walls were built and painted to create an office area, gathering area, kitchen and pantry areas and clothing storage area. Additional lighting and outlets were installed. Remodeling work is nearly complete thanks to dedicated and talented volunteers and contracted workers.

RE-organize: All of the remodeled space is undergoing some major reorganization to serve the mission’s ministry more efficiently. The goal is to organize all donations into their specific space. This will allow us to have a clearer idea of what we have and what is needed at any given time.

RE-fresh: Since February, Pastor Miguel, Ruth and the Misión Peniel Team have been working with Divine Digital in Naples, to design a new logo, build a new website and create a new mission email address. Please visit the website and take a tour of all its features, including a calendar link to plan your next volunteer time at the mission! We are also keeping the Facebook page updated every week with photos of Friday serving and other notices— check it out! The logo is displayed in this article. See below for updated information and addresses.


Serving— Now that we have additional staff and a much larger space, we are beginning to “re-think” the opportunities for serving the mission we offer to individual volunteers and groups. We still rely on church groups to sign up for Friday meal serving and clothing distribution. We also want to begin inviting volunteers (group or individuals) to come on Wednesdays, from 10 a.m. - 1 pm beginning May 3rd. This will be a time for organizing donations and helping with specific projects. For more information, contact Ruth DeYoe, Mission Coordinator, or visit the website to sign up! We also encourage you to share YOUR mission ideas for serving the needs of the farmworker community in Immokalee.

Donation of Goods— Mision Peniel has learned over the years that there are certain donation items that are greatly needed and others that are never utilized. As a result, in the coming weeks and months it is our hope to communicate with donors what the mission really needs and what simply takes up valuable space. As the communication improves, an important re-thinking takes place about how we donate for mission purposes, our efficiency increases, and the real needs in Immokalee are met.

RE-new what it means to be partners in mission …among our churches and with the farm worker community in Immokalee. As partners in mission, there is much that God has to show us through our Haitian and Hispanic brothers and sisters. Our new logo reflects this theme of partnership. Watch for announcements of local activities and events and consider participating!

So when it comes to mission possibilities in 2017, come and RE-discover what God is doing through the ministry of Misión Peniel in Immokalee!

Updated Contact Information:

Address: 208 Boston Avenue

Mailing Address: PO Box 1204, Immokalee, 34143

General Email:

Pastor Miguel Estrada:

Ruth DeYoe:

Facebook: “Mision Peniel” (no accent over the o)


“I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you, because of your sharing in the gospel from the first day until now. I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ.” —Philippians 1:3-6

Thank you for your ongoing partnership in this mission!

In Mission Partnership,

Ruth DeYoe

Mission Coordinator

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